A Book of Spoons (Signed) is a collection of works by British designer Jasper Morrison. Born in London in 1959, Morrison graduated from Kingston School of Art and the RCA Royal College of Art, then studied at the Berlin University of the Arts from 1984, and opened his own design office in London in 1986. He is one of the most influential designers of our time, working on a wide range of products from furniture, tableware, kitchenware, lighting, and electrical appliances to public spaces. He is also close friends with Japanese designer Naoto Fukasawa, and the "Super Normal" project and exhibitions that the two of them worked on together are widely known in Japan. As the title suggests, this book is a collection of spoons and ladles from all over the world. Images of spoons taken from a bird's-eye view are lined up, as if to present the familiar shape as a universal design that transcends time and place. The person responsible for the photography was Nigel Shafran, one of Britain's leading photographers. This is a book that seems to match the conceptual attitudes of the two authors. Signed by the artist .