のみや / Japanese Bars 建築寫眞文庫 92




Format/ハードカバー   Pages/79   Size/130*185*10
This book is one of the 145 volumes of the ``Architectural Photo Library'' published from 1953 to 1970, and is the 92nd issue of ``Nomiya / Japanese Bars''. In recent years, famous editor and photographer Kyoichi Tsuzuki has published ``Showa Style'', which is a reorganization of all 79 store-related issues of Architectural Photo Bunko, which has become a hot topic. Harumichi Kitao, who is also a leading expert on the field of architecture, was in charge of editing.In modern times, Western-style architecture, mainly made of concrete, has become mainstream, but in Japan before and after the war, wooden buildings were the main structure, and interiors were also made of wood. The charm of the design and texture is the typical Japanese "Showa style." This 21st issue is a special issue of ``Miya'' and introduces a number of attractive designs that make good use of Japanese-style ``wood'' that Rui Yoshida and Kazuhiko Ota seem to like.
<Condition> Good.