
Stephen Gill

¥5,500(¥5,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/205*260*13
Pigeons is a collection of works by British photographer Stephen Gill. Influenced by his father, who was a photographer, Gil was taught how to print in a darkroom from an early age, and his interests included the nature around him and insects. A true photographer, he began working at a photography company in Bristol during his junior high and high school years, and by his mid-20s had already become a full member of Magnum Photos. However, in search of a more free form of photographic expression, he quickly left Magnum and immersed himself in his own creative activities, avoiding the commercial world. He is a photographer who continues to pursue originality and new creative expressions by incorporating new elements from various angles, such as concepts, cameras used, shooting styles, subject selection, and printing methods. The theme of this book is "pigeon". Although pigeons are animals like humans, they live in harsh environments that are far from the comforts of humans, desperately searching for a place to belong. Gill certainly looks at them from the same perspective as pigeons, and while conveying the reality of pigeons, he also hints at something that we should reconsider about humans.
<Related Artists> Stephen GillMartin Parr
<Condition> Very good.