Let It Bleed

Rona Yefman

¥13,200(¥12,000 + tax)

Publisher/Little Big Man

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/218*293*18
Let It Bleed is a collection of works by Rona Yefman, an Israeli-born artist currently based in New York. In recent years, when ``gender liberalization'' has been called for, this book may be the most valuable book to read. The cover photo is decorated by the author's younger brother, Jill. This book is a collaboration between Rona and Jill that spanned over 10 years, and is a precious record of Jill's loving journey into becoming a woman. Their journey, which began when they confessed that they wanted to become women, sometimes led to confusion, conflict, and disappointment, but they overcame these obstacles and found hope. The physical and emotional changes during that time are depicted in a variety of ways, and the process of respecting Jill's claims and accepting her as a family member is wonderfully depicted. After all, there was a deep bond as a family. This is a masterpiece full of love and courage. Limited to 500 copies.
<Related Artists> 岡部 桃 / Momo Okabe
<Condition> Very good.