Harumi Gals / Parco Views2.(Eighth Printing, With OBI)

山口 はるみ / Harumi Yamaguchi

¥22,000(¥20,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/420*298*10
Harumi Gals / Parco Views 2. (Eighth Printing, With OBI) is a collection of works by Japanese female artist Harumi Yamaguchi. Together with creative director Kazuko Koike and art director Eiko Ishioka, illustrator Harumi Yamaguchi was one of the members who built the heyday of PARCO advertising. He has been interested in painting since he was a student, and after graduating from Tokyo University of the Arts' oil painting department, he joined Seibu Department Store's advertising department. Establishing the airbrush painting method, the hyper-realistic women who were born from a colorful, splendid and sometimes erotic painting style became a hot topic and were called "Harumi Gals". This book is a collection of works published by PARCO Publishing in 1978. Supervised by Tadanori Yokoo, it includes a photo parody of Hajime Sawatari and texts by Junnosuke Yoshiyuki, Makoto Wada, Ikko Tanaka, Shinichi Kusamori, Ryuichi Yamashiro, Kouhei Tsuka, Sakumi Hagiwara, and other gorgeous artists. 100 representative works are posted, including illustrations that he himself became a model. 8th printing. Comes with an obi. Beautiful product overall.
<Related Artists> 山口 はるみ / Harumi Yamaguchi
<Condition> Very good.