Lips! Lips! Lips!(Signed, 21/350)

森山 大道 / Daido Moriyama


Publisher/Akio Nagasawa Publishing

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/218*303*10
A collection of works by Daido Moriyama, one of Japan's leading photographers, "Lips! Lips! Lips! (Signed, 21/350)". "Kuchibiru / Lip" can be said to be Daido Moriyama's "icon series" along with "tights" and "tiles". The design is reminiscent of the influence of Andy Warhol's silkscreen works in the early days, and in 2005, at the event held in Shinjuku Golden Gai, the walls of the bar were filled with Lips by Moriyama. (Lips Bar). The illustrations are "lips" cut out from images, transcriptions from images, fragments of leaflets and other papers, reflections of windows, etc., and most of the pages are designed to be double doors, and London. Color Lips, which was well received at events at Selfridges, will also appear. A book that condenses Moriyama's eros and design sensibility. Limited to 350 copies. With edition number. Signed by the photographer .
<Related Artists> 森山 大道 / Daido Moriyama
<Condition> Very good.