ゴールド / Gold Mucota Concept Book

新津保 建秀 / Kenshu Shintsubo



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/280*385*10
A collection of works by Japanese photographer Takehide Shintsubo, "Gold / Gold Mucota Concept Book". Born in Tokyo in 1968. Completed master's course in oil painting at the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. In addition to photography, he is also an artist who creates drawings, videos, and installations through them, and has been active in commercials and fashion photography since the 2000s. In addition to fashion magazines such as "Dune" and "Purple", commercial works such as Uniqlo and Muji are also famous. This is a concept book of "Mucota", a hair care brand developed by Osaka-based NAKAGAWA Co., Ltd., which expanded its business from a single beauty salon. Based on the theme and identity of the brand, "Gold", this is a wonderful book photographed by Shintsuho, with Yoshii Towaa as the model, set in Kamigamo Shrine and Shimogamo Shrine.
<Related Artists> 新津保 建秀 / Kenshu Shintsubo
<Condition> Good.