
原 芳市 / Yoshiichi Hara



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/215*305*13
A collection of photographs by Japanese photographer Yoshiichi Hara, "Lady Record". "Stripper Encyclopedia", which was independently published in 1982, is one of Hara's representative works. Since 2000, he has been energetically presenting emotional works that traverse dreams and reality, transforming his conventional style, such as "Current Darkness", "While There Is Light", and "Eternal Bugs". This book contains photographs taken for the first time with a 4 x 5 inch camera that Hara, who was shooting with 35mm film, borrowed from a friend. A collection of portraits (nude) of women in various occupations such as models, proprietresses, and musicians. At the end of the book, Hara said, "I wanted an actual, authentic body. The only way to erase from my brain the sense of volume of the breasts and the nostalgia for the female genitalia is to draw the ladies one by one to this side and take pictures of them." I thought,” he wrote. The book was written by Kohei Sugiura and Hitoshi Suzuki.
<Related Artists> 原 芳市 / Yoshiichi Hara
<Condition> Good.