The Last Sunday in June

Jamel Shabazz


Publisher/Powerhouse Books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/180*250*20
Photo book "The Last Sunday in June" by African-American photographer Jamel Shabazz. Shabazz is famous as a photographer for hip-hop fashion evangelism. In Japan, he was once used in a commercial for Tower Records, and is a photographer who continues to be loved by hip hoppers around the world. He began taking photographs at the age of 15, and his photographs depicting young people living in Brooklyn, where he was born and raised, were symbols of street style and old fashion at the time, and were also their dreams. "Back in the Day" published so far is so popular that it has been reprinted many times, and the works depicting hip-hop culture and its surrounding subcultures such as breakdance and graffiti are all masterpieces. This is a series of parades of the "gay pride movement" held on the last Sunday in June, and moreover, "a series of this movement that showed that the human rights of homosexuals, including lesbians, were recognized". It's a book.
<Related Artists> Jamel Shabazz
<Condition> Good.