ニューヨークのフォトグラファーたち / Photographers in New York ブレーン別冊




Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/191   Size/225*280*10
This book is a collection of works published by Seibundo Shinkosha in 1973, "Photographers in New York Brain Separate Volume". In the 1960s, the rise of the post-war commercial photography world represented by Richard Avedon and Irving Penn, as well as the new trend of photography by Diane Arbus and Lee Friedlander, was born, while university disputes and anti-war movements Due to the downturn of the American economy against the background of such things as this, commercials also temporarily stagnated after the 1970s. This is a book that introduces the up-and-coming New York photographers who were active in such times. The works of more than 20 photographers are introduced, including Saul Leiter, who has gained tremendous popularity in exhibitions in Japan, Duane Michaels, and Tad Wakamatsu, who studied under Avedon.
<Related Artists> Saul LeiterWilliam Eggleston
<Condition> Good.