American Surfaces

Stephen Shore

¥22,000(¥20,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/231   Size/220*250*28
"American Surfaces" is a collection of works by Stephen Shore (1947-), one of the leading photographers of the 20th century. Needless to say about Shore's career and achievements, he is a representative person of color photography along with Eggleston and others. I have captured precious records of my daily life in my camera. Also, "The Nature of Photographs", which can be said to be a reference book on how to look at photographs, is a very attractive book. This book is a collection of snapshots, landscapes, portraits, etc. taken when crossing various parts of the United States in the early 70's, and is a valuable early work of the young days in the late 20's. A valuable record collection of the times when a city youth spent time in New York stared at the countryside, stared at his own country, and reconsidered photography. At the end of the book, there is a portrait of his comrade Eggleston, and it is also stylish that the image of the Kodak envelope that was copied at the same time, which was brought to a laboratory in New Jersey and developed, was used for the case.
<Related Artists> Stephen ShoreWilliam Eggleston
<Condition> Good.