
森山 大道 / Daido Moriyama


Publisher/Akio Nagasawa Publishing

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/305*233*35
Japanese photographer Daido Moriyama's photo book "Labyrinth". Following the genealogy of Japan's leading photographers Shomei Tomatsu and Eikoh Hosoe after the war, he has been active as a freelancer since the latter half of the 1960s, and released conceptual works as members of "Provoke" by Takuma Nakahira and Yutaka Takanashi. Daido Moriyama has established a solid position as the most popular Japanese photographer in the world with Nobuyoshi Araki and others, leaving behind masterpieces such as "Theatrical Photographer" and "Goodbye Photograph". This book is a collection of works published in 2012, and is composed of prints of contact sheets created by the photographer himself, based on the negatives taken over the past few decades. A unique and interesting collection of works that gives a glimpse of the unknown side of Daido Moriyama through contact sheets, such as the mystery behind the masterpiece, the photographer's "line of sight," "thinking," and "ma." Limited to 1000 copies.