Joel Meyerowitz by Colin Westerbeck

Joel Meyerowitz

¥5,500(¥5,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/218*248*15
A collection of photographs by Joel Mylowitz, one of America's leading photographers. As a standard-bearer of color photography since the 1970s, he attracted attention along with William Eggleston and others, and in the early days, he presented landscape works in color, making his name with Cape Light (1979) and St. Louis and the Arch (1980). He then solidified his position with the street snapshot collection Wild Flowers (1983), which uses flowers as a motif. In recent years, he has published the studios of master painters such as Morandi and Cezanne, and the still lives of his works, "Morandi's Objects" (2016) and "Cezanne's Objects" (2017), as well as reprints of "Cape Light", "Wild Flowers" and "Redheads". He continues to show his multifaceted appeal through announcements and Instagram. This is one of a series of works by famous photographers published by Phaidon, from the 1960s to the 1990s, from early black and white works to representative works included in the above-mentioned masterpieces. introduced in the series.
<Related Artists> Joel Meyerowitz
<Condition> Good.