湾岸原野 The man-made wilderness of Tokyo Bay 1983~1989

中里 和人 / Katsuhito Nakazato



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/95   Size/215*255*13
Japanese photographer Kazuto Nakazato's photo collection "Wangan wilderness". After graduating from the Department of Geography, Hosei University, he studied under Kazuo Kitai and started working as a freelancer in 1984. Creates landscape works from a topographical perspective through tenement houses in Mukaishima, Tokyo, factories in Ome, markets in Naha, Okinawa, storehouses in Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi, etc., and engages in social communication with the city and people through photographic installations and workshops. I am a photographer. This book is the 1st photo book published in 1991. In the 1980s, the coastal areas of Tokyo underwent rapid changes. The unspoiled scenery of the bay area seen just before the completion of a futuristic new town with large-scale development plans such as Makuhari Messe, Minato Mirai 21, Urayasu Bay Area, and Trans-Tokyo Bay Road. From crawfish, dragonflies, wild birds, stray dogs to motorcycle gangs and musicians, the unexplored Wangan Plain is a temporary paradise that returned to nature for a moment during development. A collection of early social landscapes by Kazuto Nakazato, which captures landscapes mixed with dead nature and man-made objects that have been buried far away with the completion of futuristic cities.