Lost in the Wilderness

Kalpesh Lathigra

¥7,700(¥7,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/280*293*18
"Lost in the Wilderness" is a collection of works by British photographer Kelpesh Rasigula. Born in London in 1971, studied photography at the London College of Communication, worked as a staff photographer for The Independent for a year, and then became a freelance photojournalist. Since 2000, he has also been working on the creation of documents through long-term coverage, and has received many awards. In 2003, he was awarded a Eugene Smith Fellowship for his work on Indian Widow Documents. This is a documentary document of La Sigla, an Englishman, who dared to travel to the American wilderness and traveled to Native American lands such as the barren Pine Ridge. The land, which was once a sacred place for the Indians, has now become a low-productivity town with few residents after undergoing genocide and decline behind the economic growth of the city. But certainly the people and the land speak. Women who wear the "Native Pride" logo T-shirt are also oozing with their way of life. It is a poetic document of a journey in search of a "voice" that can never be heard on the surface.
<Related Artists> Alec Soth
<Condition> Good.