The City

Mitch Epstein


Publisher/Powerhouse Books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/245*305*20
"The City" is a collection of works by Mitch Epstein, one of America's leading photographers. Epstein has produced numerous journalism and documentaries through the "social landscape." Representative works include "Family Business" (2003), which depicts the end of the American dream and the family business through his own family, and "American Power" (2011), which examines the resource and energy problem in the United States. Most of them are German Steidl company, and their ability is with origami. This book is a collection of works composed of illustrations taken in New York. From snaps, portraits, landscapes and even peeps, the images are taken from unique perspectives. It is a book that shines with the skill of photography.
<Related Artists> Mitch Epstein
<Condition> Very good.