The Players(Signed)

Mark Steinmetz

¥13,200(¥12,000 + tax)

Publisher/Nazraeli Press

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/268*305*18
A photo book "The Players (Signed)" by Mark Steinmetz, a leading American photographer. In the 1980s, he moved to Los Angeles in pursuit of the great master Gary Winogrand, and trained closely with him for a year. After that, he moved to Georgia and has been based in the American South ever since. In recent years, it has also appeared in the fashion collection photo magazine "Union", and although it is not flashy, it has gained popularity due to the combination of the landscape portrait and the texture of the print, the moderate lightness that matches the modern sensibility, and the outstanding taste. doing. This is a collection of works published by the American publisher Nazraeli Press, a book composed of illustrations photographed with teenage baseball boys as models. You will be fascinated by the many works full of humor and the natural atmosphere typical of Steinmetz. Limited to 1000 copies. Signed by the photographer .
<Related Artists> Mark SteinmetzUnion
<Condition> Very good.