Harry Callahan(Hardcover)

Harry Callahan

¥4,400(¥4,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/199   Size/240*290*20
A collection of photographs by Harry Callahan, one of America's leading photographers. Having worked for major automakers Chrysler and GM, he began working on photography in earnest after visiting exhibitions and lectures by the master Ansel Adams. While creating personal works throughout his life, he taught at prestigious schools such as the New Bauhaus and the Rhode Island School of Design, and Yasuhiro Ishimoto (the preface of his masterpiece "Chicago, Chicago" is Callahan) and Ray K Metzker. Harry Callahan, who studied under and made a great contribution as a photography educator. This book is a catalog published at the time of Harry Callahan's exhibition planned by Srah Greenough, a photography curator at the National Gallery of Art, and contains a collection of Callahan's major works. First edition published in 1996. hard cover.
<Related Artists> Harry Callahan
<Condition> Good.