Tree Places & People(Signed)

John Harding


Publisher/Little Paper Press

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/45   Size/210*300*5
A collection of works by American photographer John Harding "Tree Places & People (Signed)". Born in Washington DC in 1940, Harding is currently based in San Francisco. While teaching photography as an educator for many years at Marine College and City College of San Francisco in the state, he has been taking street snapshots since the 70's. The style that inherits the genealogy of Gary Winogrand, and the vivid coloring that also inherits the genealogy of the American "New Color" since the 70's is splendid. In 2011, a photo book "Analog Days" was also published, produced by Michitaka Ota of Sokyusha and edited by Henry Wessel, Harding's teacher. This book consists of snapshots (color) and landscapes (monochrome) taken in San Francisco up to 2019. Limited to 50 copies. With edition number. Signed by the photographer .
<Related Artists> Lee FriedlanderGarry Winogrand
<Condition> Good.