A Criminal Investigation(Second Edition)

渡部 雄吉 / Yukichi Watabe


Publisher/Editions Xavier Barral

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/218*295*18
"A Criminal Investigation (Second Edition)" is a collection of works by Yukichi Watanabe (1924-1993), a photographer representing Japan after the war. Born in Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture, he worked as an assistant to Shigeru Tamura after the war before going independent. A photojournalist who was in charge of gravure for literary magazines such as "Chuokoron" and "Bungeishunju", and traveled around Africa, America, Eskimos, and even Europe in the 1960s. Since the 1970s, I have been photographing domestic kagura performances. This book is a book that a British dealer acquired Watabe's prints in Japan and then compiled as a "collection of works" in France. The tense atmosphere of a movie and the scenery of Japan at that time are wonderfully summarized, and it became a worldwide bestseller, and two new editions have been published in Japan since then (Japanese title: Stakeout Diary). Published in 2013, 2nd edition.
<Related Artists> 渡部 雄吉 / Yukichi Watabe
<Condition> Very good.