
Michel Pellanders

¥6,600(¥6,000 + tax)

Publisher/Boekhandel De Verbeelding

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/111   Size/173*240*13
A collection of works by Dutch photographer Michel Pellanders "Flirt". De Kater van het Gelijk, published in 1982, is the representative work of Pellanders, who was active in many fields as a photojournalist. The series depicting the battle between the automobile manufacturer "Ford" and workers regarding employment issues was introduced in numerous magazines as a masterpiece of "Protest Book". This book is a book composed of illustrations depicting night scenes in the 90's. The subculture scenes captured by journalists are even more impressive than the images captured by fashion photographers in terms of "skill" and "beauty of printing". The illustrations are more "good" than "cool", and the monochrome print has a wonderful texture. This is an irresistible book for subculture lovers.
<Related Artists> Wolfgang TillmansCleo Campert
<Condition> Very good.