Another Girl Another Planet(Signed)

Valerie Phillips


Publisher/Du Books

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/207   Size/180*255*15
A collection of works by American female photographer Valerie Phillips "Another Girl Another Planet (Signed)". When he was young, Phillips loved the underground world, spending his days skateboarding and spending his nights in clubs and all-nighters with his favorite bands. After that, he moved to England and accompanied the band on tour with the self-taught camera in hand. I started creating zines and such. This book is like a culmination of Phillips' work so far, and has been narrowed down to 200 from the many famous and unknown illustrations he has taken so far. This is a rare collection of omnibuses, among the many works that are usually documentary-like, chasing a single woman. Japanese version. Signed with respect .
<Related Artists> Valerie Phillips
<Condition> Good.