Diary of a Century(Second Edition)

Jacque-Henri Lartigue

¥8,800(¥8,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/210*270*20
A collection of works by French photographer Jacques-Henri Lartigue "Diary of a Century (Second Edition)". Although Lartigue was a painter by profession, he kept a photo diary from an early age, photographing the daily lives and leisure scenes of his wealthy family and friends as a hobby. He is especially famous for his active and lively snapshots of play and sports. In 1963, just before the age of 60, Lartigue held his first solo exhibition at the MoMA in New York. I was in the spotlight. His free-spirited and ever-smiling works have been highly evaluated, and many photo books have been published since then. At the end of the plate is a portrait of Lartigue by Hiro Wakabayashi, a photographer who studied under Avedon. The editorial by Avedon, handed down from Alexei Brodovitch, is also a highlight. Published in 1978, second edition. (Smaller than the first edition)
<Related Artists> Jacque-Henri Lartigue植田 正治 / Shoji Ueda
<Condition> Good.