エゴイスト 13号 / Egoiste No.13(Tome 1)



Publisher/Editions Cassini

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/303*400*23
Since its launch in 1977, the visual magazine "Egosite" has continued to be published, albeit irregularly. A high-end magazine different from "Interview", which is a large-sized tabloid and full of subculture colors that Andy Warhol and others also worked on. Luxury brands such as Chanel, Hermès, and Louis Vuitton all produced images and visuals for egoists, and were admired by fashion magazines. Of course, many photographers were fascinated by it, and prominent people such as Helmut Newton and Paolo Roversi participated as contributors, and in this magazine's 13th issue, Richard Avedon also participated. Tome 1 only.
<Related Artists> Richard Avedon
<Condition> Acceptable.