Photo 100

堀内 和夫 / Kazuo Horiuchi

¥3,300(¥3,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/100   Size/183*258*10
A collection of works by Japanese photographer Kazuo Horiuchi "Photo 100". According to the colophon, Horiuchi was a member of the Photographic Society of Japan, but the details of his career as a photographer are unknown. This is also a collection of photographs that was probably self-published, but the depictions of landscapes and still lifes are astonishing. The pale monochrome atmosphere unified with gray tones is also good. The preface reads as follows: “Among the numerous scenes around us that we casually see every day, the shapes created in the natural world and the artificially created objects required by humankind are all harmonized with light. And when you look at it from a certain angle, you can discover unexpectedly attractive beauty and unusual forms.I expressed the images through the lens of the camera and summarized them as 'PHOTO 100'."
<Related Artists> 山脇 巌 / Iwao Yamawaki
<Condition> Good.