都市 / The Cities 関西写真作家ポートフォリオ③

有野 永霧 / Eimu Arino


Publisher/AIM Press

Format/AIM Press   Pages/16   Size/210*240*5
A collection of works by Japanese photographer Egiri Arino "The Cities Kansai Photographer Portfolio ③". Arino studied under Takeji Iwamiya, a photographer representing post-war Kansai, whom many photographers, including Daido Moriyama and Yasu Sugino, looked up to as teachers. Later, he himself taught many photographers and published several photo books from AIM PRESS, which he presided over, and this is one of them. Under the name of "Kansai Photographer's Portfolio", Arino has compiled his own works as the third issue of a total of 10 works. Mainly monochrome from the 70's and 80's, many of the illustrations included in the first book "Cities Space Between Real and Unreal" published as a private edition in 1983 are also included.