クリスタルシティ / City of Crystal 関西写真作家ポートフォリオ⑥

浅野 勝馬 / Katsuma Asano

¥2,200(¥2,000 + tax)

Publisher/AIM Press

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/18   Size/210*240*5
A collection of works by Japanese photographer Katsuma Asano "Crystal City / City of Crystal Kansai Photographer Portfolio ⑥". Born in Tokushima Prefecture in 1925. Details of his biography are unknown, but from 1979 to 1980 he published a series of works titled "Kyoto Raku Nikki" and "Naniwa Shitamachi" in Camera Mainichi. He has also held several solo exhibitions in This is the 6th issue of the "Kansai Photographer Portfolio" series published by AIM PRESS, a label led by photographer Egiri Arino. increase.
<Related Artists> 山本 博之 / Hiroyuki Yamamoto渡邉 克也 / Katsuya Watanabe
<Condition> Very good.