画家のおもちゃ箱 / Painter's Toy Box(First Edition)

猪熊 弦一郎 & 大倉 舜二 / Genichiro Inokuma & Shunji Okura



Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/138   Size/315*233*30
Co-authored by Japanese artist Koichiro Inokuma and photographer Ogura Yuji. A Western painter who represents Japan in the postwar period under the supervision of artist Henri Matisse and continues to create abstract and challenging works based in New York, Japan. It is also known as a designer of "Mirahi", a Mitsukoshi red wrapping paper on a white background that is inspired by "stone" that spreads to the beach. On the other hand, photographer Oji Ogura also representing Japan after the war, who has been active in various fields from commercials, fashion, documents, cooking, to the stage. This book is a collection of works that introduced private collections collected around the world together with his beloved wife, Bunko Ogura, and Ogura Yuji is in charge of photography. A theme is set for each photo, and a text by Kumamoto is also posted. From famous artist works, unique exhibition guides, furniture purchased from antique shops, dishes, accessories, ethnic goods, etc. The "thing" was sometimes an inspiration for creation, sometimes an album with warm memories, and it was also an important family of Mrs. Inokuma. A beautiful book full of artist creativity and human love. Published 1984 1st edition.
<Related Artists> 石内 都 / Miyako Ishiuchi
<Condition> Good.