新宿 1965 - 97(With OBI)

渡辺 克巳 / Katsumi Watanabe

¥27,500(¥25,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/508   Size/200*150*35
Japanese photographer Katsumi Watanabe's photo book "Shinjuku 1965-97 (With OBI)". Many exhibitions have been held since 2000, and Katsumi Watanabe is a highly acclaimed photographer overseas. Since the mid-1960s, he has been walking around Shinjuku at night, photographing people such as night workers, young people, vagrant people, homosexuals, delinquents, and yakuza. . This book is a book composed of illustrations of "Shinjuku" taken for more than 30 years since 1965. The richness of content that can be seen as the history of postwar Shinjuku's customs, such as changes in the history of Shinjuku, changes in movement, changes in fashion and lifestyle. A 500-page book that condenses the culture of the city that continues to be the center of Japan and Tokyo. Comes with an obi. (This book has a lot of damage to the binding, but this one is good.)
<Related Artists> 渡辺 克巳 / Katsumi Watanabe森山 大道 / Daido Moriyama
<Condition> Very good.