Before the Hand of Man

Roy Dean

¥13,200(¥12,000 + tax)

Publisher/Rho-Delta Press

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/235*310*15
"Before the Hand of Man" is a collection of works by Roy Dean (1925-2002), a photographer born in London and active in the United States. Dean was not only a photographer, but also a writer, director, stage designer, and actor. He was a record holder in track and swimming competitions, but he also appeared in movies as an actor under the name "Leslie Joseph" (probably his real name). After traveling to the Caribbean, he developed a strong interest in sailing and photography, and began working as a photographer, eventually publishing a photo book. This is a collection of works published by a Los Angeles publisher called Rho-Delata Press produced by Meredith Witherby, the partner of Tamotsu Yato, who became famous as a mail nude photographer in postwar Japan with Yukio Mishima as his subject. It is a book that is fascinated by the contrast between nature and the physical beauty of a well-trained man.
<Related Artists> 矢頭 保 / Tamotsu Yato
<Condition> Good.