遊戯 / Homo Ludence

深瀬 昌久 / Masahisa Fukase

¥198,000(¥180,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/265*220*15
Japanese photographer Masahisa Fukase's photo book "Yugi / Homo Ludence". Masahisa Fukase has spent his life looking at himself as a "human being" and "photographer" through familiar subjects such as "wife", "father", "family", "cat" and "raven". After graduating from the Nihon University College of Art, he started working in commercials, and after working for Daiichi Sendensha and Kawade Shobo, he became a freelancer. After that, he began to point the lens at himself, his relatives, and his surroundings, as if to confirm the meaning of "I" and "take a picture", and later became his representative works "Yoko / Yohko", "Sasuke", "Crow / Ravens", "Father's Memory". / Memories of Father”. This book is the 4th issue of the "Contemporary Series of Images (10 volumes in total)" published by Chuokoronsha, the 1st photo book that should shine. "Slaughter" depicting the Shibaura slaughterhouse, "Kotobuki" with his wife Yoko, sexual depiction "Play", the memory of the woman he loved "Mei", Yoko and Yoko's mother "Mother", Family and Noh songs A six-part composition of the closing "flute". Vinyl cover and band missing.
<Related Artists> 深瀬 昌久 / Masahisa Fukase
<Condition> Good. Missing obi-band.
Sunburned on the spine of dust jacket.