
杉本 博司 / Hiroshi Sugimoto


Publisher/Hatje Cantz

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/87   Size/240*335*15
This book is a book "Revolution" published in conjunction with the exhibition held at the museum brandhorst in Munich, Germany from 2012 to 2013 by Hiroshi Sugimoto (1948-), a leading Japanese artist and photographer. East China Sea, Red Sea, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, etc. . . The horizon at night taken from 1989 to 1997 in various oceans around the world. Also, the pages that are presented vertically by rotating them 90 degrees may give different impressions to the viewers. A long exposure shows the moon's trail in white against the black sea and dark gray sky. Although it is monochrome, it is a book that allows you to immerse yourself in Hiroshi Sugimoto, searching for subtle differences in color.
<Related Artists> 杉本 博司 / Hiroshi Sugimoto
<Condition> Good.