Workers(English Edition)

Sebastiao Salgado

¥8,800(¥8,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/399   Size/255*338*40
A photo book "Workers (English Edition)" by Sebastian Salgado, a photographer born in Brazil and based in France. In the 1970s, he abandoned his career as an economist and became a photojournalist, continuing to cover people living in harsh natural and working environments, immigrants and refugees, mainly in South America, his roots.In 1982, Eugene・Won the Smith Prize, and since the 1990s, he has expanded his stage to include Asia and Africa. Salgado continues. This book is a collection of illustrations that focuses on workers in mines, factories, shipyards, and steel mills who are still forced to do harsh physical labor as mechanization progresses due to modernization. . English version, reprint.
<Related Artists> Sebastiao SalgadoSophie Ristelhueber
<Condition> Good.