Real Life Dramas(Unopened)

Mary Frey

¥6,600(¥6,000 + tax)

Publisher/Peperoni Books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/128   Size/258*290*20
A collection of works by American female photographer Mary Frey. Mary Frey was born in Yonkers, New York in 1948. Frey, who had been enthusiastic about looking at paintings and drawings at many museums in Manhattan just a short distance away, was inspired by Henri Cartier-Bresson's "The Decisive Moment" and turned to the path of photography in earnest. In the 70s, he was involved in editorial and commercial work related to photography, but after obtaining an MFA at Yale University, he went on the path of "photography education" and continued to teach for many years that educators are the way to live. . In the 1980s, he held exhibitions at MoMA and other venues, received fellowships, and was highly regarded for his talent. However, since he was nominated for "Paris Photo / Aperture Foundation's shortlist for best First Photo Book" in 2017 with his substantial first book "Reading Raymond Carver" (excluding the private edition) published in 2017, he has been in the limelight again. This work was published in 2018. Documentary "Real Life Dramas" in the suburbs of America in the 70's and 80's. Brand new unopened.
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<Condition> New, unopened.