Michael Kenna 1976-1986

Michael Kenna


Publisher/Gallery Min

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/280*280*10
A collection of works by Michael Kenna, one of Britain's leading contemporary photographers, "Michael Kenna 1976-1986". This is a catalog photo book published at the exhibition held at Gallery Min in 1987. Gallery Min is a gallery founded in Himonya, Meguro in the 1980s, and mainly introduces photographers and artists who are active on the west coast of the United States. I had a solo exhibition of. Kenna also moved to the west coast at that time, but it wasn't until the early 1980s that she started her solo exhibition in earnest, and maybe Kenna was the first in Japan? It may be a solo exhibition. Kenna's current activities, which have announced many Japanese landscapes including "Hokkaido", are well known, but this book contains valuable early work from the 70's to the 80's.
<Related Artists> Michael Kenna
<Condition> Good.