True Stories(Fifth Edition)

Sophie Calle


Publisher/Actes Sud

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/112   Size/105*195*15
A collection of works by French contemporary artist Sophie Calle "True Stories". Born in Paris, France in 1953, his father was a director of a museum and one of the best art collectors, and his mother was a literary writer. After seven years of wandering, he started his activities around 1980. Based on the intimate relationship between oneself and others, he is a popular artist with a characteristic style of conceptual depiction using photographs and texts, sometimes objects and videos. This is the fifth expanded version of the popular series, which has been expanded and revised since the first edition was published in 1994, and four stories have been added from the previous work. A collection of works that introduces his autobiographical episodes with short stories and illustrations such as photographs and illustrations. This is a must-see series for female fans.
<Related Artists> Sophie Calle
<Condition> Very good.