婆 -東北の民間信仰- / Baba

内藤 正敏 / Masatoshi Naito



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/210*220*15
A photo book by Masatoshi Naito, one of Japan's leading photographers, "Auntie -Folk Religion in Tohoku- / Baba". After graduating from Waseda University Department of Applied Chemistry, I got a job at Kurashiki Rayon (currently Kuraray) and worked for one year before becoming freelance. Received the Japan Photo Critics Association New Face Award for "Mummy of Japan" taken by Sokushinbutsu at Dewa Miyama, which was visited for shooting. In addition to publishing numerous photo collections, he has also written books such as "Study of the Mummy Faith (1974)" as an ethnologist. This book is a masterpiece of Masatoshi Naito, and is a book composed of illustrations depicting the women "Auntie" who support the unique religious soil of the Tohoku region. The appearance of the "priestess" who perform "mouth-to-mouth" called "Itako" and "Gomiso", the mysterious sensibility to seek out the soul in a different dimensional world, and the ability to see through the other world. .. .. "Women" have supported the foundation of Japan's "religion" and "entertainment." One of the best masterpieces that highlights the strength and beauty of Japanese women.
<Related Artists> 内藤 正敏 / Masatoshi Naito
<Condition> Good.