


Publisher/Editions Neuf

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/218*275*10
"Brassai" is a photo book of the photographer Brassai who was active in France. Born in Hungary in 1899, Brassai has been active in Paris since moving to the 1920s. He is one of France's leading photographers who has been active since before the war, along with Henri Cartier-Bresson and Robert Doisneau, who asked for the teachings of the master André Kertés. He also had close relationships with artists such as Picasso, Matisse and Giacometti, and was an artist who had an extraordinary talent for sculpture and drawing. This is a collection of works published by Editions Neuf, which was presided over by Robert Delpire, the owner of the current French publishing company "delpire" and the husband of Sarah Moon in 1952 after the war. This book contains the pronoun "Paris at Night", portraits of artists such as Picasso Dali, and his own sculptures and drawings, which condenses the versatile sense of Brassaï.
<Related Artists> BrassaiRobert DoisneauAndre Kertesz
<Condition> Good.