夢のリスニングルーム MJオーディオルーム・ベスト選 / The Ultimate Hifi & Listening Rooms




Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/192   Size/183*253*15
From 1989 to 2002, this book is a unique room designed exclusively for Japanese-style rooms, Western-style rooms, and from "Hifi Pursuit Listening Room Dreams" serialized in the monthly audio magazine "MJ Radio and Experiments". Forty-three rooms selected from the ones posted are introduced. Even if you're an unrivaled music lover, it's not easy to have a listening room because of space and sound leaks. Under such circumstances, what kind of wisdom and ingenuity are the leading audiophiles actually setting up in the room, what kind of equipment is specifically incorporated, and what is the balance between comfort and comfort? There are lots of useful niche information such as how to do it.
<Condition> Good.