人間の大地 労働 / Workers

Sebastiao Salgado

¥13,200(¥12,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/399   Size/280*360*45
"Workers" is a photo book of Sebastião Salgado, a photographer born in Brazil and based in France. In the 1970s, he abandoned his career as an economist and became a photojournalist.・ Received the Smith Award, expanded the stage to the world such as Asia and Africa since the 1990s, and energetically worked on not only "news photography" but also "nature photography" that appeals for environmental protection, and repeated grand projects Eugene continues. This book is a collection of plates taken with a focus on workers in mines, factories, shipyards, steelworks, etc., which are still forced to undergo harsh physical labor due to the progress of mechanization due to modernization. ..
<Related Artists> Sebastiao SalgadoSophie Ristelhueber
<Condition> Good.