The Observation of Trifles

Carlos Alba


Publisher/La Fabrica

Format/ハードカバー    Pages/84   Size/220*285*15
"The Observation of Trifles" is a collection of works by Carlos Alba, a photographer born in Madrid, Spain and currently based in London. Born in 1984, Carlos Alba is doing his own creative activities with a conceptual approach while doing commercial work through magazines such as "iD Magazine", "Vice UK" and "Esquire" "Forbes". And this book is the first book published in 2016, and it is a book composed of illustrations taken in East London. The Japanese translation of the title is "Observation of trivial things." Aruba, who lived in the area adjacent to Hackney and Tower Hamlet, captured the municipal housing built in the 1950s and 1970s to accommodate immigrants, its corners, casual scenes of the city, and residents. increase. It is an interesting work that captures the appearance of a city of immigrants captured by foreigners, the small daily life that has become an object, and the relationship between humans, and it also has a poetic charm that you want to see in comparison with Stephen Gill's Hackney's work. ..
<Related Artists> Stephen Gill
<Condition> Very good.