ロスト・イン・トランスレーション / Lost In Translation(Missing Poster)

ソフィア・コッポラ / Sofia Coppola



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/190*240*8
A photo book of the movie "Lost In Translation (Missing Poster)" directed and written by American female artist Sofia Coppola. Coppola has an exceptional sensibility and aesthetic sense, such as an actress, fashion producer, and movie director, and continues to play an active role in various fields. Many female fans were fascinated by the girly culture she created, and the movie "The Virgin Suicides" became a hot topic in Japan. This book is nominated for four major Academy Awards (Best Picture, Director Award, Leading Actor Award, Original Screenplay Award), and is composed of the steel of the movie that won the Academy Award for Screenplay and made the name of director Sofia Coppola known to the world. One book. Images and texts directed by Coppola himself are recorded, and it is a collection of works that makes you feel a sense in both visual and text. Missing poster.
<Related Artists> ソフィア・コッポラ / Sofia Coppola
<Condition> Good with small damages on the corner.