White Casket(Signed)

やなぎ みわ / Miwa Yanagi


Publisher/Nazraeli Press

Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/72   Size/340*390*15
"White Casket (Signed)" is a collection of works by Miwa Yanagi (1967-), one of Japan's leading contemporary artists. From the "elevator girl" modeled after women in uniforms, who have been active since the late 80's and 90's, to "My Grand Mothers", which depicts teenage women 50 years later, and even more. , Miwa Yanagi, whose representative works include "Fairy Tail," in which a girl plays an old woman who appears in Andersen's works and Grimms' Fairy Tales. In the 2010s, he released the drama "Zero Hour Tokyo Rose Last Tape", which he wrote, directed, and wrote. It was screened in the United States and became a hot topic. This book is a large-format collection of representative works from the early 90's, centered on "Elevator Girl". Overseas version (domestic version published by Getsuyosha). Autographed by the artist .
<Related Artists> Cindy Sherman
<Condition> Good with small damages on the corner.