Saturated Light

Wolfgang Tillmans


Publisher/Walther Konig Verlag

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/416   Size/255*255*35
Wolfgang Tillmans's photo book "Saturated Light" is one of the leading photographers in modern Germany. Tillmans once said in an interview that he was a picture maker. An artist who has continued to create "new" pictures "" using various abstract and concrete methods, without being bound by the frame of "photograph (house)", photography is merely "one of the means of picture making". So, making a model every time, without allowing any compromise in space, design and layout, it is also the charm of Tillmans to make a dense installation. This book is a series produced by Tillmans since the 90's, and is a collection of works printed using light or photosensitive emulsion without using film. It is a work that seems to be Tillmans, who has been thinking about new possibilities of photographic expression since he was young, and it is truly a book that not only the illustrations but also the appearance of the exhibition pattern is fascinating with the sequence.
<Related Artists> Wolfgang Tillmans
<Condition> Good.