Ghirri di musica

Luigi Ghirri


Publisher/Gli Ori

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/99   Size/265*245*13
"Ghirri di musica", a photo book by Italian photographer Luigi Gilli. Called the pioneer of color photography in Italy, he is a true artist photographer who spends his life creating images from every scene of everyday life and projecting the unknown into the known. He has a deep knowledge of art, architecture, music, etc., and is a photographer who is popular with famous artists such as William Eggleston and Wim Wenders. In recent years, Gilli has regained popularity both in Japan and overseas due to the reprint of the masterpiece photo book "Kodachrome" and the "photo lecture" published by Misuzu Shobo. This book was published during the 2008 exhibition, and the theme is "music." Gilli who loves Bob Dylan, deepens friendship with Lucio d'Ara, creates images from music, and associates music with images. In this book, many illustrations in the United States such as New York, Boston, Providence who traveled with Dallah, which are rare in Gilli's work, etc. are recorded, and an interview with Gilli and Dalla about the correlation between photography and music is also posted. Both English and Italian.
<Related Artists> Luigi GhirriGiovanni ChiaramonteVincenzo Castella
<Condition> Very good.