Bill Henson

Bill Henson



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/56   Size/210*298*8
A photo book of photographer Bill Henson from Melbourne, Australia. Henson is a genius-skinned artist who performed a solo exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria, Australia's oldest museum in Melbourne at the age of 20. Nude, portraits, snapshots of street crowds, fantastic landscapes, and creative collages presented at the Venice Biennale, all of which are shot in black-and-white colours, are images hidden inside Henson. Story. In recent years, Henson has been energetically publishing collections of works such as "1985", "Particle Mist" and "Kindertotenlieder" from London's independent publisher "Stanley Baker", which publishes high-quality photo books. Is a collection of catalog works published when exhibiting at the Venice Biennale in 1995.
<Related Artists> Bill Henson
<Condition> Good.