After the Off

Bruce Gilden

¥2,200(¥2,000 + tax)

Publisher/Dewi Lewis Publishing

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/250*335*15
"After the Off" is a collection of works by Bruce Gilden, one of America's leading photographers. Born in 1946 in Brooklyn, when he was studying sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, he was inspired by Michelangelo Antonioni's movie "Blow-up" and bought a camera and started studying at night photography school. .. For the next 10 years, I took snapshots on the streets of New York to hone my skills, and put together a series of works as "Facing New York". Since then, "Haiti", which was announced after a long period of interviews, and "Go", which depicts the underground scene of Japan, have solidified their fame. This book is a collection of works composed of illustrations taken at a racetrack in Ireland. A close-up of the people who are good at human loneliness and desires. This book is full of human-like human dramas.
<Related Artists> Bruce Gilden
<Condition> Good.