Kim Jong Il Looking at Things(Sixth Edition)



Publisher/Jean Boite Editions

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/173*248*20
This is a collection of propaganda photos of Portuguese art director Joao Rocha and Generalissimo "Kim Jong Il" of the Democratic People s Republic of Korea through the Internet and websites, and introduced them on "Tumblr". It will be a collection of works that summarizes what you were doing as a single photo collection. It is all summarized with the content "Looking At ..." and contains an illustration that "looks at something". Text by Marco Bohr. The scene in which a generally unfamiliar North Korean general visits many places, looks at many things, and shares time and place with many bureaucrats is a fresh, albeit everyday scene. It is also a rare case that a photo book was compiled in this way. It is also a book in which an online collector has become a creator. 6th edition. Published in Parr & Badger Vol.Ⅲ.
<Related Artists> Paul Fusco
<Condition> Good.