Men Women(Unopened)

Tom Wood



Format/ケース&ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/263*203*40
Irish photographer Tom Wood's photo book "Men and Women (Unopened)". Wood wanted to be a painter when he was a student, but after watching a huge number of experimental films, he became interested in photography and later turned to a photographer. Wood's photographs are mainly portraits, street snaps, and landscapes, but because of his artist's roots, he has a well-thought-out color scheme, a unique composition, and a story that has a lot of meaning. Most of the photographs look simple at first glance, such as intimate perspectives on people and things, but in reality, they are all very profound and versatile, and it is no wonder that there are many fans of photographers in the same industry. This book is a portrait of the local Liverpool people, taken during the 30 years before Wood moved to North Wales in 2003. A gorgeous two-volume version of Men and Women, carefully edited and composed by Wood himself, the portraits also reflect the history of Liverpool's transition, which once thrived as an industrial city. New unopened.
<Related Artists> Tom Wood
<Condition> New, unopened.