記録2号(初版)/ Record No.2(First Edition)


¥220,000(¥200,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/210*300*3
A collection of works by Daido Moriyama, one of Japan's most acclaimed photographers in the world, "Record No. 2 (First Edition)". In magazine work and commercial work, the frustration of not being able to express one's thoughts, and as the camera magazine of the newspaper company, which was the largest medium for photographers at that time, gradually lost momentum, the photographer went to the independent gallery. Through exhibitions and self-funded photobook production, I will create my own media with my own hands (off-magazine). The trend has been in full swing since the mid-1970s, but Moriyama started the movement early in 1972 and has left a total of five photo magazines. It seems that the sharpness of thinking and the speed of action are largely due to the experience of "Provoke", but under the influence of this "Provoke" and "Record", Shunji Dodo's "Horizon" and , "Number" by Shinzo Shimao and others were also born. The second issue of this record magazine, which had a great influence on each other, consists of all five illustrations and the text "Ambush on the North Side" by Kazuo Nishii.
<Related Artists> 森山 大道 / Daido Moriyama
<Condition> Good.